Spruced Goose Dog Grooming in Cambridge
We are really well known here at Oakington Dog Day Care for our doggy day care services but did you know that we also offer Dog Grooming here at our premises in Oakington Cambridgeshire?
As you know we are passionate about Dogs and love looking after them. Spruced Goose is our Dog Grooming business that welcomes all dogs to visit.
We are highly trained groomers and we are great at dealing with all kinds of breeds and ages.
Great News - Our Team is getting bigger!
Our Dog Grooming side of the business is growing as we take on more trained team members to help us with demand. We're really happy to welcome new members to our team and in being able to offer you an even better service.
Click Here to discover all about our Dog Grooming Services that we offer in Cambridgeshire.