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Dogs and Chocolate at Easter Time

We all love to spoil our dogs but be careful at Easter not to cause more harm than good. Feeding your four legged friend chocolate, hot cross buns can lead to a bad time this Easter. Did you also know that certain spring flowers and bulbs can also harm your dog! Read on for a little more information.

We all know Chocolate can be poisonous to dogs . . . don't we?

Chocolate poisoning is particularly common at Easter with the large amounts of Easter eggs that may be around your home. Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which can be poisonous to dogs, as well as most other animals, including cats, rodents and rabbits. We know that you are a responsible dog owner but keep an eye on friends, family and children who may not be aware that chocolate is harmful to your pet.

How much is too much chocolate?

The seriousness of the poisoning will depend on the amount, type and quality of the chocolate eaten. Generally speaking, the darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains, and therefore the more poisonous it is. White chocolate contains very little theobromine and although it is unlikely to cause theobromine poisoning, it is still very fatty and can make your dog ill. Why take the risk when you can buy dog friendly treats for your pooch.

What signs can it cause?

As well as possibly causing vomiting and diarrhoea, chocolate is a stimulant, so it can cause excitement, muscle twitching, tremors, fitting and can increase the heart rate and blood pressure. Noone needs to be dealing with this at easter, especially not your pet. Minimise any worry by providing appropriate treats for your family friend.

Hot cross buns

Grapes, raisins, currants and sultanas are all toxic to dogs and it is believed the dried forms of these fruits are more toxic than grapes. At this time of year, it is therefore important that hot cross buns are kept well away from your dogs, maybe treat them to a healthy treat such a new bone or antler this spring.

What signs can it cause?

As well as possibly causing stomach problems, these fruits can cause kidney failure, which can sometimes be delayed by up to three days. Kidney failure may sometimes present as a decrease in urination, or your dog may also appear dull and show signs of increased thirst.

Prompt treatment is important. If your dog does eat any amount, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Did you know that Spring bulbs can harm your dog?

Incidents of poisoning from spring bulbs are most likely to occur from dogs eating the bulbs in autumn when they are planted, or in spring when they begin to flower. Daffodils can also be unkind . . .

Effects from poisoning can include vomiting, stomach upset and salivation, but can escalate to dogs appearing sleepy, wobbly on their legs, or collapsing. In more serious cases fits and changes to heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure may occur. Dogs can also become unwell if the flowers are eaten, or if water from a vase containing daffodils is drunk. Other plants that dogs should avoid are Spring crocus and Tulips.

What to do if you suspect your dog has been poisoned

If you think that your dog may have eaten, touched or inhaled something that it shouldn't have, consult your local veterinary practice immediately.

Do not try to make your dog sick. Trying to do this can cause other complications, which may harm your dog.

The above information on chocolate, hot cross buns and spring bulbs has been taken from the Kennel Clubs excellent free Information Guide, Common Canine Poisons in the House and Garden.

Information taken from the orginal article here:

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